CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 16
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 16 (1997-10-16)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-11].iso
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Text File
515 lines
+-@{"BBSGlobal" link HBBS:Docs/Configuration/BBSGlobal.guide/MAIN} Main System configuration file
| |
| +-<.guide files> Documentation for HBBS
| |
| +-Doors
| |
| +-Doors.Guide Index to all Door documentation
| |
| +-<doorname>.guide
| |
| +-@{"NodeList" link HBBS:Docs/Configuration/NodeList.guide/MAIN} Details of nodes
| |
| +-@{"NodeGlobal" link HBBS:Docs/Configuration/NodeGlobal.guide/MAIN} Each nodes settings default to the settings
| | in the file and then are overridden by the ones
| | in the node's @{"NodeLocal" link HBBS:Docs/Configuration/NodeLocal.guide/MAIN} file
| |
| +-@{"Node<NodeNum>" link NodeX} (location must be as specified in @{"NodeList" link HBBS:Docs/Configuration/NodeList.guide/MAIN})
| |
| +-@{"NodeLocal" link HBBS:Docs/Configuration/NodeLocal.guide/MAIN} Settings for the node
| |
| +-@{"Device" link HBBS:Docs/Configuration/Device.Guide/MAIN} Serial/Modem settings details
| |
| +-BBSColours.CFG Ansi menu and prompt colors config file
| |
| +-BBSStrings.CFG Custom Prompt/Message config file
| |
| +-Logs
| | |
| | +-Callers.log Callers log file for node
| | | (location can be changed via @{"NodeLocal" link HBBS:Docs/Configuration/NodeLocal.guide/MAIN})
| | |
| | +-Node.log Node log file for node
| | (location can be changed via @{"NodeLocal" link HBBS:Docs/Configuration/NodeLocal.guide/MAIN})
| |
| +-@{"PlayPen" Link PlayPenDir} Files uploaded to the bbs go here.
| | | (location can be changed via @{"NodeLocal" link HBBS:Docs/Configuration/NodeLocal.guide/MAIN})
| | |
| | +-<Uploaded file go here>
| |
| +-@{"Work" Link WorkDir} Temporary Files go in this directory.
| | |
| | +-<Temporary files go here>
| |
| +-Storage
| | | Place unused configs etc in here if you want
| | +-<Misc sysop files>
| |
| +-Access
| | |
| | +-Level_<ACS> Node access settings files
| |
| +-Commands
| | |
| | +-System System commands
| | |
| | +-Level_Global Commands for all users
| | |
| | +-Level_<ACS> Commands for users with this access level.
| | overrides settings in Level_Global
| |
| +-Screens
| |
| +-Special
| | |
| | +-<ScreenFiles> Special Screen Files go in here.
| | Files in here override those in
| | HBBS:Screens/Special
| +-Storage
| |
| +-<Misc Sysop screens> Place unused node related screens here.
+-@{"Doors" link HBBS:Docs/Doors/DOORIndex.guide/MAIN}
| |
| +-System
| | |
| | +-Node The NODE executable itself
| | |
| | +-Storage
| | | |
| | | +-<Misc door directories> Place old/unused door directories here.
| | |
| | +-<Door Directory>
| | |
| | +-<Door Executable>
| | |
| | +-<Door configs>
| | |
| | +-<Door data files>
| |
| +-User
| |
| +-Storage
| | |
| | +-<Misc door directories> Place old/unused door directories here.
| |
| +-<Door Directory>
| |
| +-<Door Executable>
| |
| +-<Door configs>
| |
| +-<Door data files>
| |
| +-System System commands
| |
| +-Level_Global Commands for all users
| |
| +-Level_<ACS> Commands for users with this access level.
+-@{"Conferences" link Conferences}
| |
| +-ConfList List of all conferences
| |
| +-<ConfName> As specified in ConfList
| |
| +-ConfConfig Conference Settings details
| |
| +-BBSColours.CFG Ansi menu and prompt colors config file
| |
| +-BBSStrings.CFG Custom Prompt/Message config file
| |
| +-BadFiles (Location can be changed via ConfConfig)
| | |
| | +-<Bad Files> Uploads to this conf that are corrupt
| |
| +-Hold (Location can be changed via ConfConfig)
| | |
| | +-<Sysop Help Files> Uploads for the sysop.
| |
| +-LostFiles
| | |
| | +-<Lost files go here> If a file could not be moved etc it may
| | be found in here. Check logs for matching
| | filenames to find out why it is in here.
| |
| +-PartUpload
| | |
| | +-<PartUpload>@<UserID> If a file is canceled or carrier lost
| | during transfer it is kept here and the
| | users' id is added to the filename
| |
| +-Screens Conference related ansi/ascii screens
| | |
| | +-Special
| | |
| | +-<ScreenFiles> Screens in here override those in
| | <NodeLocation>/Screens/Special
| |
| +-Access
| | |
| | +-Level_<ACS> Conference access settings files
| |
| +-FileLists
| | |
| | +-<FileList> (Location may be changed via ConfConfig)
| |
| +-Mail
| | |
| | +-<Mail Files> See the current mail system docs for details
| |
| +-Commands
| |
| +-System System commands
| |
| +-Level_Global Commands for all users
| |
| +-Level_<ACS> Commands for users with this access level.
| |
| +-Levels
| | |
| | +-Level_List List of access levels
| | |
| | +-Level_Global Global access settings
| | |
| | +-Level_<ACS> BBS access settings files
| |
| +-@{"Users" link ACSUsersDir}
| |
| +-<UserHandle> User access settings files
| If you have a file with the same name as
| the users handle it will override all the
| conference, node and system access ettings
| |
| +-Protocols Transfer protocol definitions
| |
| +-FCheck Config for checking/testing uploaded files
| |
| +-@{"FileID" Link HBBS:Docs/Configuration/FileID.Guide/MAIN} Config for adding/extracting file_id.diz's
| |
| +-Amiga
| | |
| | +-CLI
| | |
| | +-Libs This is added to you libs: assign
| | | | so you can put HBBS and it's utilities'
| | | | shared amiga .library files in here
| | | +-<Amiga .library files>
| | | |
| | | +-HBBSCommon.library
| | | |
| | | +-HBBSNode.library
| | | |
| | | +-xpr
| | | |
| | | +-<unused xpr library> Unused xpr#?.library files
| | |
| | +-Fonts This is added to the Fonts: assign so you
| | | | can place all hbbs and related fonts here
| | | |-<Font files and dirs>
| | | |
| | | +-HBBS.font
| | | |
| | | +-HBBS
| | | | |
| | | | +-8
| | | |
| | | +-HBBS_IBM.font
| | | |
| | | +-HBBS_IBM
| | | |
| | | +-8
| | +-Devs This is added to the Devs: assign so you
| | | can place all hbbs and related devices here
| | +-<Amiga .device files>
| |
| +-Data
| |
| +-BBSColours.CFG Ansi menu and prompt colors config file
| |
| +-BBSStrings.CFG Custom Prompt/Message config file
| |
| +-Calls.CFG Created by the system, resets at first user
| | login after midnight
| |
| +-PrivateData Created by the system, NEVER EDIT THIS!
| |
| +-user.data User data file
| | (Location may be changed via BBSGlobal)
| |
| +-CtrlScrPrefs.CFG Screenmode prefs file, created by the system
| |
| +-Users
| | |
| | +-<UserID> Each user has their own special directory
| | | into which door codes can save users
| | | personal preferences in.
| | |
| | | Note: each <UserID> directory's comment it
| | | set to the users handle. Try using "C:List"
| | +-<Config Files>
| | |
| | +-TaggedFiles.CFG Created by the system.
| | If you trash your upload download dirs it
| | might be an idea to remove all these..
| +-ConfAcs
| |
| +-<AccessName>.CFG Filename defined in Level_List
| These files determine what confs the users
| can join or see.
| You can set individual users confacs files
| for each user.
| |
| +-<Utilitiy files> See elsewhere for a list of supplied utils.
| |
| +-Special System related ansi/ascii screens
| | |
| | +-<ScreenFiles> See screens.guide
| |
| +-Storage
| |
| +-<ScreenFiles> Unused screen files
| |
| +-<Misc sysop files>
+-Scripts Script files
| |
| +-Logoff_Global.script Always called even if LogOff<NodeNum>.script exists
| |
| +-Logoff<NodeNum>.script
| |
| +-<Mail files and dirs> See the mail system door docs for details
| |
| +-<Lost files go here> If a file could not be moved etc it may
| be found in here. Check logs for matching
| filenames to find out why it is in here.
| |
| +-Error.log Check this file for errors ever so often.
| |
| +-<other log files> Other log files created by doors etc.
+-<programs> Like WBStartup but for HBBS!
(not implemented as of 31/July/1997) *C*
Uploaded files are not stored in the HBBS: directory structure as the sysop
may have other devices that may be setup in a particular way, below is
how we recommend you organize your file direcotories as it is a more
structured way of doing it.
@Node Conferences "Conferences"
The HBBS:Conferences directory holds all the conference subdirectories.
A Conference is the /X and HBBS term for FILE AREA! (Just in case you didn't
already know)
BUT Conferences can have their own mail as well as files or just one or
the other. (by settings different access levels or command settings)
So say you are running a normal warez bbs, you'd probably want the following
Amiga Warez
PC Warez
Console Warez
Group Members
Sysop Area
BBS Adds
Test Conference
Most of those conferences would want to have to have files and messages. But
you could also want a Help conference or Game Tips or suggestions conference,
these conferences might not require files but would require mail.
@Node NodeX "Node<NodeNum>"
For each node on your system you should create a directory called Node<NodeNum>
where <NodeNum> is replaced by the node number. This of course is the default
and STRONGLY recommended settings. If you like you may change the location
of the node directory by changing the option @{"NodeLocation_XX" link HBBS:Docs/Configuration/NodeList.guide/NodeLocation_XX} in the file
The node directory contains a few other files which are used to configure
the node, there is also a screens directory for storing node specefic
screens. Also there is a commands directory so that you can configure the
bbs so that some commands can only be run from a certain node.
Then there's a access directory, this is so you can set your bbs up so that
users don't or do have specific access rights for each node.
@Node WorkDir "Work"
A directory called "Work" MUST be created in each Node directory you have,
the bbs stores temporary files in this directory. Any files in this directory
are DELETED when the node is reset.
@Node PlaypenDir "Playpen"
The location can be changed via @{"NodeLocal" link HBBS:Docs/Configuration/NodeLocal.guide/MAIN}
Uploads are placed in the directory while a user is transferring
If files are found in this directory when a node is restarted (or after a
system reboot/crash) then the last caller is found, the files are then
checked (for FileID, Corruption, Duplicate..) and if all is ok they are
moved into the current conferences upload directory and are added to the
If they have no description they will be moved into the current conference's
LostFiles direcotory and the FileLists/LostList will be updated with the
users name, account number and filename.
@Node ACSUsersDir "Levels"
This directory MUST be present, but you don't need to have any files
in it.
in here you should store files with the same name as a users handle, then
when the access settings are loaded for the current online user, the bbs
checks to see if there is a file in here with the same name as the users
handle then the normal access settings are overridden with the settings
in the files in here!
e.g. say all your users had access to internet mail, but one user was
abusing it, you could create a file with the same name as the user's handle
then set the option AllowInternetMail=FALSE in the file.
@Node ConfigDef "Config File Definition"
Config File Definition
Please Adhere to the following rules when creating/modifiying your config
* You may use YES/NO, TRUE/FALSE or ON/OFF for boolean options.
* /'s will be added to paths if required, all paths MUST be have a volume
name or assign name in them. e.g. HBBS:Screens/ is ok, but Screens isn't
* Space's are NOT permitted in filenames.
* ;'s are used for comment lines, they may be after an option or on
seperate lines, note: comments are not allowed in some config files
as ;'s are use in some ANSI escape sequences. BBSColours.CFG is one
such file.
* Blank lines are allowed (they aid readability and structure)
* All optionnames MUST start on the first character of the line
* Options take the following format:
Optionname[_XX]=<Option Parameter> ; <comments>
Here's a few examples
Some options may require more than one setting or a list of settings.
Option parameter types are dependant on the option and the data it
requires. Here is a list of some option types that used.
Type Parameters Example(s) Notes
============ ============ ============= ================================== *C* add more
<String> A string Handle > Spaces are allowed
<Path> A Path HBBS: /'s will be added to the end if
HBBS:Screens they are missed off.
<File> A Filename T:Temp.TMP Always specify full path as well
as the filename
<Boolean> YES,NO YES You can use any of the 6 params
TRUE,FALSE ON to turn an option on or off.
<Numeric> A Number 123456 Don't use numbers over 10 digits.